Pages - GamesandApps

Google Chrome Makeover - Chrome has updated

Whoa! A recent major change has hit the giant of Web Browsers few minutes ago. Let's take a look at how my Chrome looks after the update.

Major changes to Google Chrome - 25 September 2013

Introduction to XML

Introduction to XML - GamesandApps
Welcome everyone, learn the basic things about XML with the help of commonly asked questions.

Pong game inside your Google AdSense dashboard

Google AdSense 10th Anniversary

Probably you already noticed this cute party look 10 number inside your AdSense account that marks the 10th anniversary of Google AdSense.

Python Program To Generate Diamond Pattern

Hey there! Trying your hands on Python programming? Here's a simple program to illustrate the concept of loops in python. The resulting diamond can be generated with slightly different versions of the program. Also you can alter the shape and size of the diamond according to your wish. You can do so by adding spaces in the #'s to make it more cleaner or increase or decrease the range of the loops to make the diamond shape bigger or smaller.

About Google Search Engine's new results page

Well, if you have not already seen, go check out the new look of the Google Search engine's new result page. It doesn't looks a lot different than the previous one but it really has changed a lot. Just visit and search anything to experience the change!