J2ME also referred as Java 2 is the creation of programs for the mobile devices using the Java Programming. As the operating systems and various hardware although similar but differ between the PCs and the mobile devices so the programming does. When we use a mobile application, we generally see Java powered or even if we don't see Java powered it still is!
Pages - GamesandApps
How To Create Borders In Java
Wan to to create BORDERS in Java?
You can add various kinds of borders to your Frame and even your objects used in Java Frames.
Here's a simple demonstration on how to use various borders on your Frame.
Adding Comments to Various Programming Languages
Adding comments in C, C++, Visual Basic and Java
Comments in C++ or Java-
The way to add comments in C++ or Java is exactly same.Here are examples of a single comment and a double line comment :-
Download VB .exe files
Visual Basic 6.0
My First Java Program
If you want to start java programming, you must start from a program like this first and compile it. This will start your Java Programming session. Make sure you have developer java (Java SDK) installed on your system. Here's the code compile as .java
Java Code for a Raise to Power Output
This java code will give you output in a raise to power format. e.g. a raise to power b. 2 raise to power 3 is 8. As there is no pow() function in Java, you can use this method for implementing power functions.
Here's the code, compile as abc.java
Here's the code, compile as abc.java
Java Code to Create 3D Text in Motion
Here is the code for creating moving text in 3D
Compile as demo.java :-
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
Java Code to Create Moving Text
This Program in Java will teach you how to add Border to your java program, how to move your text i.e. Labels or Images along x-axis and y-axis. It will also let you make creative and good looking programs or java applications by creating simple designs and animations. Please feel free to ask anything by commenting under the post.